We were founded in 1983, largely by members of Queen’s Delight, a Cotswold Morris team, who wanted to establish a North West Morris team in Somerset. Although Queen’s Delight has since folded, Treacle Eater North West Clog live on!
Although we’re based in the South West, our dances have their roots in the industrial North West of England. The dances originate from the cotton mills of the north, imitating the rhythms and the patterns of the machines in the factories. Clogs would have been worn by the workers and are a distinguishing feature of this style of dance.
One of the strongest elements of the tradition in the North West was each town having its own unique dance. Treacle Eater Clog have developed this and perform dances written by current and former members alongside traditional dances and dances written by other teams with whom we have had links.
Our name, Treacle Eater, comes from local history. Barwick Park, just south of Yeovil, was once the ‘big house’ round here. In its grounds stand four follies. The largest and most ornate of these is ‘Jack the Treacle Eater‘. Jack was supposed to have been the messenger for the family and is said to have run to London with messages, sustaining himself on black treacle!
Our team colours of red, black and gold reflect those of a well known brand of treacle.
Another feature of North West is having a large band to accompany the dances. We are really proud of the Treacle Eater band, a wonderful group of skilled musicians playing accordion, melodeon, concertina, fiddle, woodwind and drums. We can be found in the pub every week, after practice and dance outs, banging out a vast array of traditional tunes. Come and join us – we’re very welcoming to beginners and to the use of dots!